Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I have recently begun to train Kodi in the sport of treibball (pronounced try ball). And so far we are hooked! Here’s why. The sport requires the same amount of teamwork and training as agility, however you don’t need a lot of expensive equipment to get started. All you need is an exercise ball or large jolly ball. The goal is for your dog to eventually be able to ‘herd’ eight exercise balls into a large soccer net using only his nose while following your commands and hand signals. We have only been training for a few weeks and already Kodi is proving to be a quick study. We are working with an exercise ball in the house and he pushes it happily and determinedly up and down the hall at my command. And he is fantastic when it comes to placement behind the ball. Outside we are using basketballs and continuing our work on placement while also adding a bit of distance. Right now he tends to push the balls in all different directions with more excitement than focus. Which can be a bit of a problem since he tends to try and bite the balls when he’s excited, hence the reason why we haven’t moved the exercise ball outdoors yet. For now we’re just taking our training slowly and enjoying every moment this unique and fun new dog sport has to offer. And I couldn’t think of a more rewarding way for us to strengthen our bond and spend our upcoming summer.

Friday, April 13, 2012


We're hosting a trick contest on youtube. It's going to be a lot of fun and there is a prize so please enter and have fun!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I have been asked on several occasions now how many tricks Kodi knows. While I wasn’t certain how many for sure (I have never kept count) I was pretty sure it was in the eighties or nineties. So, this past week Kodi and I sat down with a notebook and pen and made a list of all the tricks and commands he knows. It turns out he knows exactly one hundred (and we are working on several more right now). Here is Kodi’s trick list:


1 .Sit

2. Down

3. Stay

4. Come

5. Give

6. Drop It

7. Wait

8. Watch Me

9. Hold It

10. Easy

11. Heel

12. Go Kennel

13. Focus

14. Settle

15. Stand

16. Leave It (Treat On Paws)

17. Leave It (Treat On Nose)

18. Leave It (Item He Can’t Have)

19. Okay

20. Release

21. Directed Retrieve

22. Go Right

23. Go Left

24. Touch

25. Tap Left

26. Tap Right

27. Bring It (Dropped Item)

28. Up

29. Go To Your Place

30. Ring Bell To Go Potty

31. Bang! Bang! (Play Dead)

32. Rollover

33. Beg

34. Shake

35. Cover

36. Cry

37. High Five

38. Back Up

39. Forward

40. Twist

41. Spin Left

42. Spin Right

43. Circle

44. Give Kisses

45. Figure Eight

46. Play Soccer

47. Walk And Weave

48. Jump Over Held Bar

49. Say Your Prayers

50. No Peeking

51. Paws Up (Walk With Me)

52. Reverse

53. Wave Hello

54. Jump

55. Table Up

56. Chair Up

57. Blow Bubbles

58. Under

59. Beneath

60. Speak

61. Carry It

62. Stop

63. Push

64. Go Tunnel

65. Go Tire

66. Weave Thru Poles

67. Pause

68. Over

69. Walk It

70. Jump Thru Arm Hoop

71. Jump Over My Arms

72. Jump Over My Legs

73. Jump Over My Knees

74. Push The Swing

75. Bow

76. Search

77. Head Down

78. Jump Thru Hula Hoop

79. Jump Thru Double Hoop

80. Pick Up Your Toys

81. Finish

82. Switch

83. Closer

84. Around

85. Weave (Thru Legs And Pole)

86. Which Hand

87. Show Me A Tree

88. Show Me A Red Wagon

89. Show Me The Porch

90. Show Me A Table

91. Show Me A Chair

92. Show Me The Pool Deck

93. Fetch Stuffed Dog

94. Fetch Stuffed Bone

95. Bring Me My Shoes

96. Bring Me My Coat

97. Bring Me Your Leash

98. Bring Me Your Bandanna

99. Bring Me Your Squeaky Ball

100. Freeze